41 days until the often grey, always special town of Berlin becomes my home for the foreseeable.
The house is sold, the flights are booked, the kids are enrolled in school… I’m not sure which of those events was the bigger “this is really happening” moment, and frankly there’s still a lot to be done, but… this is really happening!

As far as lifestyle changes go, it’s a big one.
Neither of us has secured ongoing work yet, but there’s a lot of solid prospects for Friedel and I’ll be fine as a freelance scribe and designer, so we’re not worried – and we’re privileged enough to have a couple of safety nets beneath us if it doesn’t work out.
We’re still trying to find a home for our little staffy x corgi #storgi Hank (staffs aren’t allowed into Germany), but we’ve decided to take Dolly the Dashy with us. Five grand right there! Another three for the things we’re taking with us. Nothing cheap about moving a family overseas…
The past few weeks have seen us rushing about on tasks we couldn’t focus on while getting the house ready for auction (and then the parts that follow an auction). Minor details like the kids’ passports, working out the logistics for moving our possessions,
Really bloody excited, though. But first, two weeks in Japan!