Author: Mike
Photos: The abandoned station in Siemensstadt
Wandering the long abandoned train station in Siemensstadt.
Winning the Internet, one argument at a time
Ever crawl into bed at night, phone still in hand, and think: “Ah, yes. Another triumphant day of complaining and arguing about nonsense on the internet”?
Stuck on loading: the Samsung life
If you value customer service, Samsung – or Android at all – is probably not the way to go.
iPhone v Android: Tribalism is quite the thing huh
The most oddly remarkable thing happened this year. Well, two things, really. The first is that Apple finally enabled RCS messaging, at last allowing for high-res media sharing and proper group chats between iOS and Android.
41 days
41 days until the often grey, always special town of Berlin becomes my home for the foreseeable. The house is sold, the flights are booked, the kids are enrolled in school… I’m not sure which of those events was the bigger “this is really happening” moment, and frankly there’s still a lot to be done, but… this…
Having kids is…
remembering at 6pm on Monday that you didn’t do any batch cooking on the weekend and so you think oh well I’ll just whip up a quick cottage pie and then hey presto it’s dinner at 8:30 lolol
“I’m a young photographer, how much should I charge?”
How much should you charge for photography? It depends! Let’s look at it here.
ThreadHeads: The coolest tees I’ve found today
Today I went browsing my current favourite site for fun tees, Aussie website ThreadHeads – and I’ve got a discount code for you and me!