Well, we’re now feeling pretty committed, at least mentally. To moving to Germany, that is.

There’s a lot to do, of course, and a hell of a lot to think about. The financial aspect is the one that worries me the most. I’ll be going freelance, and I’ve never done that — but, with the cost of living in Germany being fairly high, I’ll really need to hit the ground running. My potential is, I think, fairly good, but I can’t pretend it’s not terrifying!

Here’s a list of things to get done in the coming months, if our goal is to be there by around May or June.


Repairs & sale 

  • Real estate assessment 
  • Relevant repairs 

Getting ready to go

  • Pack! 
  • Sell / donate things
  • Pack keepsakes not coming with us
    • where to keep it? With family?
  • Cancel utilities, rates, etc 
  • Mail redirect
    • to Germany or local friends/family? 
  • Phone redirects (or a cheap plan with a VM that informs of new details) 



  • Open bank accounts
  • Mike to register as a freelancer (can I do that before I’m in Germany?)
  • Friedel to find a job 
  • Where do we want to can we afford to live?
  • Find a home to rent
    • (+ 3 months of rent deposit)
  • Insurances
    • business, home, contents, property (medical listed under health)
  • Buy a car? (+ insurance) 

Lots of photos in this post:

Compelling, exciting, horrifying
So, meine Liebe, after watching Eurovision this past weekend (long-time fan of course, like most Aussies), is back on her “should we move to Germany?” dreaming. I mostly endorse it. I mean, there’s a lot to like about Australia, obviously, and having grown up here gives us both a

List continues...


  • Mike’s ADHD scripts
    • (new assessment?) 
  • GP for family 
  • Dentist 
  • Insurance 

Kids lives

  • Duolingo
    • install on tablets this week, establish routine and rewards 
  • Schooling
    • international (💰) or local? 
  • Phone numbers & addresses (including online) for current friends
  • Scouts 


  • Shipping container (costs, options, etc)
  • Investigate dog travel readiness, quarantine 

What to take? 

Large items

  • Mike’s bike
  • Inherited lamps? 
  • Inherited cupboard? 
  • Stupidly expensive bed frame I can’t believe I got talked into? 
  • Mike’s monitors? (Cheaper to buy new ones? Probably not…)

Small items


What to buy in Germany? 

  • Toothbrushes 
  • Mobile phone plans 
  • MacBook for Mike (potentially Friedel as well) 
  • Monitors?
    • Look into shipping costs.


  • Visa for Mike 
  • Passports
    • Friedel’s German passport, Kids’ Australian passports (or get dual citizenship process started) 
  • Research flights
    • costs, stopover holiday options 
  • Travel insurance 
  • Immunisations
It’s a lot! What am I missing? We’ll see…